A hectic week after the new website launch,National Album Day and a visit to Cardigan, West Wales where we had a pop up stall at the Cellar Bar and witnessed an amazing performance by the Acid Mothers Temple. As far as the Website goes we are very pleased with the look and the operational bits behind the scenes but its still work in progress and we will be adding, tweaking as we go. Thanks again to Isaac who has worked so hard on the website to get us to this point, even for a very small shop like ours its still a major task to work with over 10 years data from the last website. Its a feelgood story too, a few years ago Isaac actually bought his very first vinyl from us on his 16th birthday (Arctic Monkeys). We will now be actively, slowly but surely adding titles, pre orders to the new website.
Thanks also to those on the Mailing list, we hope to continue regular newsletters very soon.